The Waste Hierarchy
N.A.C Property Clearance
Recommended By Trading Standards
Efficient - Reliable - Professional
Trading Standards Approved
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Customer Rating:
Natural Resources Wales
Licensed Waste Carrier
License Number:
Mark Parry
Regulation 12 of the Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011, states that it is a legal requirement that all waste should be separated and prepared by us on collection for re-use if possible.
If it can't be re-used then it must be recycled and as a last resort disposed of, it gives top priority to preventing waste in the first place and also applies to all businesses who collect and transport waste for recycling or disposal.
When clearing a property we apply the waste hierarchy on behalf of our customers, N.A.C Property Clearance will supply a Duty Of Care Waste Transfer Note for every clearance project we undertake, this legally required document will contain full business details, vehicle registration numbers, and Natural Resources Wales waste carrier registration number.
When we clear a property we separate the items into their different recycling categories, items that can be reused, items that can be recycled i.e paper, cardboard, clothing, bedding, scrap metal, wood, etc, and then items that need to be disposed of.
By doing this we fulfill our duty to apply the waste hierarchy on behalf of our customers as required by the waste regulations, we then load them on our vehicles, once we leave your property we then travel to various commercial recycling centers to recycle them.
But unlike the council recycling centers where you have different sections for different types of recycling all in the same place, commercial recycling centers are normally specific to one type of recycling and located miles apart.